Top 3 Group Shots To Get At Your Wedding

Three Group Shots Not To Miss At Your Wedding

Most brides & grooms want some formal group shots with family and friends on their wedding day.  Some opt for just a few, for others the list is more extensive.  It may be hard to think which combinations may be good.I give all my wedding couples a standard shot list as a starting point.  I tell them that they can amend the list to suit them, for example, some options may not be applicable (grandparents may no longer be around, the couple may not have children). You can get a copy of the full shot list for free via the link below:

[btn text="Download Standard Group Shot List " tcolor=#FFF thovercolor=#FFF link="" target="_blank"]

Informal Wedding Group

Informal Wedding Group

Shot 1 - Pictures with immediate family.

This could include parents, grandparents, children and siblings.  These people will usually be the most important and influential people in your life.

Shot 2 - Big group shot!

You invited your guests for a wanted them to share your special day.  The quickest and easiest way to get a record of everyone who was there is by getting a big group shot. This is usually done right after the ceremony, before people wander off, and can be a traditional line up, or something more creative!

Shot 3 - Bridal party

Your closest friends, or perhaps siblings, have been by your side all day, not to mention kept you right at the stag/hen!  Be sure to grab some shots with them. Not just your standard posed shots, but discuss with your photographer any fun shots you’d like to try. Ladies, you might like to do some getting ready shots with the girls, dressing gowns and champers once you are ready, but before you’re all dressed up.  Or maybe once you are ready, about to leave.  The gents could do some shots wearing shades or sharing a tipple before the ceremony.


Try to let your photographer know in advance how many group shots you would like as this allows them to plan which order, and when, to take them, to be as quick and efficient as possible.  You can of course add extra shots that take your fancy on the day if time allows.


Be sure to discuss with your wedding photographer any issues they should be aware of when it comes to photographs.  Let them know about recent family feuds, bereavements, if the parents are separated, divorced or maybe have remarried.  The latter could mean you would like extra parent shots.  It can be easy to put ones foot in it if you don’t know the family story!I hope this post is useful to you and it helps you get all the lovely group shots you need. Don't forget you can download your free standard shot list here.

[btn text="Download Standard Group Shot List " tcolor=#FFF thovercolor=#FFF link="" target="_blank"]