Tips for Photographing Children

How to take great photos of your children.

A parent can never take enough photos of their children but sometimes it can be difficult to get a really great shot. Below are a few quick tips that you can apply the next time you take your camera out to capture a moment with your kids.

Father & Daughter Portrait

Father & Daughter Portrait

Don't ask them to pose

Instead, just be around to capture the emotions they display in the moment. If you’re patient enough and simply enjoy the time with your children, you’ll find it much easier to capture the essence of them.

Brothers, get down to their level

Brothers, get down to their level

Get down on their level

If you’re photographing very small children try and get down to their level to photograph them. This angle gives you a more interesting background too.

Mother and son portrait

Mother and son portrait

Talk to them

Having a conversation with your child about their favourite superhero or their best friend at school will make for lovely facial expressions. You could even have them sing along to their favourite songs for extra fun in your photos.

Candid moment shot

Candid moment shot

Your smartphone is the perfect tool for capturing candid moments

Your children are probably very used to seeing you with your smartphone so won’t think anything of you keeping it close by. Have it ready when you’re out and about with them. You never know when they might give you the perfect shot.

Use unique location

Use unique location

Use unique locations to your advantage

If you have planned a walk in the woods or a day at the beach, take advantage of your unique surroundings to capture some great pictures.

Child Portraiture

Child Portraiture

If possible, avoid midday sunlight

Lighting makes a big difference in photos so aim for early morning or evening light for outdoor shots and open windows and doors for indoor shots.

I hope you find these tips useful. If you would like any more information about booking EBM Photography for a shoot or an event, then drop me a message here. Or sign up to receive more tips direct to your inbox.

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