Photography Without Frontiers

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I’m sure, just like me, you clapped in gratitude for our NHS each Thursday night.  But I want to do something much more positive with EBM Photography than just clap.

I am pleased to announce that I have joined “Photography without Frontiers,” a national charity initiative, to raise funds for NHS Charities Together and I hope you will join us in saying thank you to those that truly deserve our thanks. 


It is a really simple thing to do.  If you are like us, and you want to donate and support our NHS heroes, we are offering to swap your donation for a complimentary Lifestyle Photoshoot, when safe and appropriate to do so, and your choice of image as a web resolution digital file with the initiatives special, “I helped the NHS” banner, so we can paint social media NHS blue.

I am so passionate about helping support the cause that I will add £5 to whatever donation you make so we can raise as much as we possibly can to help our NHS.  I’ve already made a donation so I’m proud to show my portrait with our “I helped our NHS” banner.  Make a donation and get yours.  There is a limited supply, so be quick, don’t miss out.

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All you need to do is go to , where you can learn more about the charity initiative and then make your donation.  Find your way back to me and I will send you your promissory voucher for your session.  If you wish I can even tentatively look at available dates and make time to discuss your session.

You already know how much I value the memories I make on your behalf, it’s my job to give families precious memories that will last more than a lifetime.


If this pandemic has shown us all one thing, it’s just how important our friends and family are to us.  Only a beautiful portrait can hold that emotion and bridge distance, and time apart, from those who are important to us.  So the aim of this charity initiative is very much to create a win-win scenario.  A win for the NHS as we raise funds, and a win for you in the fact that I will create an amazing image for you to take part in our program of social media gratitude.  You never know, it may end up as your new favourite image, framed and on the wall, but that will be up to you.

Many of us have had to rely on the NHS to help us, and more than ever I value the work of dedicated doctors (like my husband, and many of our friends), nurses, porters, support workers, admin and all NHS staff.  We really want to help raise as much as we can so please, please, please share this with friends, family, work colleagues… everybody you can.


It will be amazing just to see you again and to be taking great pictures together, so please spread the word, make your donation and I will see you on location, or at the studio, soon.