Print Offer - Modern Wall Art

Modern Wall Art

The Premium Metal Edge Gloss Print is a stunning piece of wall art that has a very modern and chic look making ti perfect for any image.

The metal edge subtly frames your picture, to enhance, rather than distract from it. A gloss print that is preserved behind 2mm of gloss acrylic will make your images truly pop!  Edge finish available in silver, white or black.

Modern Wall Art Cluster

Modern Wall Art Cluster

There are endless possibilities when you think about clusters.  The Premium Metal Edge Gloss Print gives great versatility, allowing you to craft your printed images to fit anywhere in your home. Coming in 8" square format, they are prefect for alcoves, staircases or to make a statement wall display of your favourite images.

Modern Wall Art Cluster

Modern Wall Art Cluster

Order yours between 10 & 30 June 2018 and you will receive a 10% discount.

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Terms & ConditionsOffer valid between 10 & 30 June 2018, new orders only.Not valid with any other offer.Premium Metal Edge Gloss Frame comes in 6 standard sizes or cluster size.  Prices from £305